In fact, the Jewish leaders were the ones really responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus ( Matthew 27:1-2 Matthew 27:20 Acts 4:8-10). In New Testament times they had considerable influence with the Roman authorities. In spite of being under the rule of firstly Greece and then Rome, the Jewish leaders were able to maintain firm control over their people in many of the everyday affairs of life. Their authority grew rapidly through the function of synagogues that began to appear throughout the country, and through the establishment of a national Jewish council called the Sanhedrin ( Matthew 23:2-4 Matthew 26:59 John 7:32 John 9:22 see SANHEDRIN SCRIBES SYNAGOGUE). During this period religious leaders became more and more involved in civil affairs. The people got the monarchy they wanted, though even under the new system of government the elders retained considerable influence in the nation ( 1 Kings 8:1 1 Kings 20:7 1 Kings 21:8 2 Kings 23:1).Īfter the Jews’ captivity in Babylon and return to their homeland, the Persian overlords appointed prominent Jews to positions of leadership in the nation ( Ezra 7:25-26 Nehemiah 5:14 Nehemiah 7:2). This was a rejection of God, for it was an attempt by the people to correct their problems by changing from one political system to another, rather than by changing from rebellion against God to obedience ( 1 Samuel 8:4-7 see KING). In search of stability, the people asked to have a king to rule over the whole nation, as neighbouring nations had. But the peace was often followed by periods of disobedience, which brought renewed suffering ( Judges 2:13-19 see JUDGES, BOOK OF). In response to the people’s repentance, God raised up deliverers from among them to overthrow the enemy and re-establish his rule among them. But the people failed to follow God’s laws, and the first few centuries of their national life in Canaan were marked by repeated judgments from God in the form of invasions from neighbouring nations. The priests and elders were merely the administrators of those laws. God wanted Israel to recognize him as their supreme ruler and to obey his laws. Religious affairs, however, were under the control of priests (see PRIEST).
In the early days of Israel’s national life, these elders served as judges in matters of civil law ( Exodus 18:17-26 Numbers 11:16-17 Numbers 11:24-25).Īs Israel’s administration developed, elders and judges became two separate groups of officials ( Deuteronomy 21:2 Deuteronomy 22:15 Deuteronomy 25:7-8 Joshua 8:33 Joshua 20:4 Judges 11:5 Micah 7:3 Zephaniah 3:3-4 see JUDGE).
After the establishment of the Israelite nation under Moses, seventy elders were appointed to share the civil leadership with Moses. There is great variety in the types of rulers who feature in the Bible, but the Bible consistently encourages God’s people to do what they can to cooperate with their rulers for the good of society as a whole ( Jeremiah 29:7 Titus 3:1 1 Peter 2:13-14).Įven when the Israelites were slaves in Egypt and had no government of their own, senior men in the community were recognized as leaders ( Exodus 3:16 Exodus 4:29 Exodus 12:21). As societies developed, the leadership came from recognized officials who administered the affairs of the community ( Ruth 4:2). In primitive societies the heads of families provided that leadership ( Genesis 14:14 Genesis 32:3-6).
Any society must have some sort of leadership if it is to function effectively.